A Developmental Disabilities Residential Facility
217 East Citadel Drive -- Potosi, MO 63664
573-438-3736 voice -- 573-436-9200 fax
email: citadelinc@outlook.com

Room and Board Info

We offer communal daily living with a private bedroom for your family member. We provide the basic furniture, but you're welcome to bring a favorite piece to make it more like home.

Health and Wellness
We schedule and transport all our residents to all doctor and dental appointments and wellness checkups.
We have clean, comfortable vehicles to ensure your loved one is safe on their travels.

Dietary Needs
We have a separate dining room for our residents' to enjoy their meals. We offer as wide a variety of foods as their dietary plans allow, so that they can expand their culinary horizons and try new things if they want to...and if not, we make sure they get their favorites.